World Trade Organisation (General)

Implications of a US Border Adjustment Tax, Especially on Developing Countries, 2017
An Assessment of the WTO’s Hong Kong Ministerial, December 2005, 2006
EC’s Extreme WTO Demands Threaten Development in the Developing Countries, 2005
Implications of Some WTO Rules on the Realisation of the MDGs, 2005
An Analysis of the WTO’s Fifth Ministerial Conference (Cancun, 10-14 September 2003)
Rethinking IPRs and the TRIPS Agreement, 2001
The Multilateral Trading System: A Development Perspective, 2001
Rethinking Liberalisation and Reshaping the WTO, 2000
Civil Society’s Interaction with the WTO, 1999
Why developing countries cannot afford new issues in the WTO Seattle conference, 1999
Why the South Is Getting a Raw Deal at the WTO, 1999
The WTO as an Instrument for Disciplining the South, 1997